We empower schools in Asia to transform every conversation and relationship by providing inspiring training and impactful coaching. We do this both in person and online, with passion and excellence, using the same relationship-building skills with our client schools that we teach them to use in their organisations.
We believe that schools are places of incredible personal growth when every interaction is characterised by a coaching mindset. When “the way we do relationships around here” is generative and empowering, schools are places where staff will invest, students will grow, and all community members will feel a sense of belonging.
Our services include staff training workshops, coaching, coach training, team building days, parent workshops, and student curriculum.
Jobs by
The Bright Side Coaching and Training
Available Positions:
Focus Areas
Coaching, Training, Communication, Cross-Cultural Communication, Team Building, Conflict Resolution, Coaching Skills for the Classroom, Coaching Skills for Leaders
Subject Areas
Target Level
Secondary, Primary, Early Years, Boarding
Mandarin Chinese, English
Client Schools
Listed Connections: