Technology Readiness Council (TRC)

Raising standards for schools, technology professionals and educational providers.
Solution Categories:
Educational Resources, Operational Support, Technology and Innovation, Professional Services
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Managing technology within schools is becoming increasingly complex with the impact of artificial intelligence, tighter data privacy and online security controls, cyber threats, crisis response preparedness and more = it’s a jungle out there.
With a faster pace of change and increased risk, many schools struggle to leverage technology to both cover today’s fundamentals and be a strategic asset for future educational innovation. (More complexity, increased risk, faster change = PAIN).
PAIN (summarized) = The core problem you want solved
- Alternative 1: You are aware that your Technology department is not quite ready for the new world, or maybe… you simply don’t know if your Tech dept and organization is ‘up to scratch’.
- Alternative 2: In a time of great change, are you confident that your school is equipped to leverage technology not just as a support tool, but as a strategic asset to enhance educational innovation, ensure data privacy and student safety, and prepare you for future crises?
CLAIM = The unique way that the TRC can help you cure that ‘Pain’
- The TRC can provide your school and technology leaders with the audit tools to assess how you’re doing, the support necessary to meet today’s best practice with an eye on the evolving demands of the 21st-century digital learning and safety environment.
- We can then provide your school and your tech team with the training and certification to show that you are a a ‘tech-ready’school.
GAIN = Tangible proof of value (your benefit)
- Bringing in the TRC with their audit tools and broad experience demonstrates to parents, teachers and other stakeholders that you take these matters seriously and want to become a future proofed, ‘tech-ready’ school, with a competitive advantage against other schools.
- This helps ensure the school’s safe learning environment, its image and its overall effectiveness – valuable reasons for parents to choose your school.
- (Personal Gain - You sleep better at night, proud of your technology status, knowing that data protection and the risk of cyber threats is under control).
Jobs by
Technology Readiness Council (TRC)
Available Positions:
Focus Areas
Providing a robust framework under which individuals and institutions become
certified and accredited in all aspects of technology used within the educational
Subject Areas
ADMINISTRATION, Computer Science, Ethics and Values, Life Skills, STEAM, STEM
Target Level
Early Years, Primary, Secondary, Boarding
English, Japanese, German