KidsOnline is the most popular integrated management system for kindergartens in Vietnam, expanding to SEA, serving three most important stakeholder groups of private and financial autonomy public kindergartens:
●Instantly and conveniently get information on their children’s daily activities
●Securely chat with other parents
●Send requests to teacher or administrator
●Monitor school operations, generate consolidated and individualized reports
●Effectively communicate with parents and teachers
●On-going support by KidsOnline to preschools
●Monitoring and reporting
●Convenient follow up requests from parents
●Broadcast information on the class’s activities, notify all or selected parents
KidsOnline helps kindergartens with > 20% operation cost saving, specifically:
• 50% less time for teachers filling paper reports
• leading to 27% improved teachers productivity;
•lower personnel costs
KidsOnline also ensure enriched interactions between kindergartens and parents, leading to ~1.5 times improved student enrolment ,
and retention.
Jobs by
Available Positions:
Focus Areas
Cloud-based kindergarten management solution, affordable, full suite of module to manage student enrolment to daily operations and billing, invoicing
Subject Areas
Target Level
Early Years
Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Malaysia, English, Vietnamese
Client Schools
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