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- Audrey Pantelis – Inclusion and change through resilient leadership
Audrey Pantelis is the Director of Elevation Coaching and Consulting. Her career in education as teacher, middle leader, senior leader and head of school in both mainstream and special educational needs spans over thirty years. Audrey is an accredited Resilient Leaders Elements leadership coach and C-Me colour profiling Accreditor. She also works with schools and organisations in developing and implementing positive, systemic changes with regards to racial diversity and inclusive practices. Connect with Audrey: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/audrey-pantelis-278108a6/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Audiekins Website: https://www.elevationcc.co.uk
- Scott Bower – Exploring Global Citizenship
Scott Bower is an Admission Counsellor at Soka University and he also works as an IB DP Global Politics teacher for the Dwight Global Online School. Scott also hosts the podcast “Be A Global Citizen”, where he interviews guests on the subject of Global Citizenship – something he is passionate about. In this episode, I ask Scott for his own reflections on what it means to be a global citizen. Connect with Scott: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sbower15/ Be a Global Citizen Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/be-a-global-citizen-podcast/id1540093164
- Andrew Mowat, co-founder EduSpark
Andrew Mowat is an education journeyman – you name it, he’s done it. Educator, Principal, Author, Expert Trainer & Coach. Now, amongst other projects, he’s the co-founder of EduSpark.World. It was a real honour to speak with Andrew in this first episode of Education Talks. Watch and subscribe to Education Talks.
- Jolene Lockwood, Cognitive Consultancy
Jolene Lockwood is Leadership Consultant and Coach, Certified Dare to Lead Facilitator, Cognitive Coaching Agency Trainer and experienced educator. I had the pleasure of working with her at my first international school. It was great to catch up with her to discuss the pathway she took in her career and her current role working outside of schools. Watch this episode and subscribe to the channel.
- Dr William E. Donald, the case to maintain hybrid
Dr William E. Donald is Associate Professor of Sustainable Careers and Human Resource Management at the Ronin Institute. In this episode he discusses the importance for education institutions and event organisers to continue online avenues of participation to maintain inclusion.
- Adam Morris, a programmer lucky enough to work in edu
Adam Morris is the Schools Technology & Integrations Director at Faria Education Group. He describes himself as a programmer who is lucky enough to work in Education. He’s worked in International Schools across China, Vietnam and Malaysia as an ESL teacher, English Teacher and of course the all important “tech guy”. I wanted to hear his story of transitioning from working inside schools to working in his current role. Links from the discussion: ManageBac & Open Apply to Google Sheets: https://github.com/classroomtechtools/managebac_openapply_to_gsheets Faria Community Monthly Meetups: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/faria-tech-professional-learning-community-monthly-meet-ups-tickets-388565508897 Adam Morris on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adam-morris-08905a20/
- Dr Colleen Boyett – military, education, philosophy, travel
Dr Colleen Boyett is a highly accomplished education leader. She’s a Doctor of Philosophy, Military Veteran, International School Leader and, now on her return to the USA, IB coordinator. It was an absolute pleasure to catch up with her and hear her reflections on her time overseas. You can connect with Colleen on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-colleen-boyett-89175a114/ Daily Life of Women [3 volumes]: An Encyclopedia from Ancient Times to the Present: https://a.co/d/fQUdXyU Paul Theroux, The Great Railway Bazaar: shorturl.at/lMOR2
- Prof. Sonia Blandford – Social Mobility, Modular Learning
Professor Sonia Blandford is one of the United Kingdom’s leading experts on improving the education and aspirations of children from disadvantaged backgrounds. Sonia is the editor of the Teaching Times Every Child journal, author of over 250 articles and books, and is currently Professor of Social Mobility at Plymouth Marjon University. Her latest book “Teaching and Learning to Unlock Social Mobility for Every Child: Building Learning Futures” is available for pre-order here.
- Elizabeth Scott – Language, Literature and Locals
Elizabeth Scott is a Language and Literature teacher and Head of Department at an international school in Singapore. As a local working in an international school, she provides interesting insight into the importance of international schools connecting with their local communities. Elizabeth is also involved in a DEIJ collaborative involving teachers from different international schools in Singapore. You can connect with Liz on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/elizabethscott82/ One of the tools used to make this video is Streamyard. Follow the link below to sign up and get $10 in credit! https://streamyard.com/pal/5994072830115840 Thank you for watching this episode of Education Talks. If you’re interested in appearing on the program, or would simply like to get in touch, please email: talks@ed.events
- Kaleena Carter – Helping International Students Find the Right Path
Kaleena Carter is an experienced Secondary Mathematics Teacher and University & Career Counsellor. She has over 15 years of experience working in schools. Originally from Michigan in the United States, Kaleena has been working in Korean international schools since 2015. In this episode, she shares her journey from being a mathematics teacher to becoming a college counsellor and shares insights into the unique challenges international students face when applying to US universities. Connect with Kaleena on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kaleena-carter-b971603a/
- Teaching Vacancies: Tokyo, Japan
UIA International School of Japan have two advertised vacancies for the start of the 2023/24 year. The school is one of the few Cambridge-certified international schools with students from kindergarten to grade 12 in Japan. They are a rapidly growing school with over 500 students and are welcoming dedicated and highly motivated teachers, who will engage and inspire UIA students. The advertised positions can be viewed in the job listings. Grade 1 Homeroom Teacher (Until March 31st, 2024) Tokyo is one of the most amazing cities in the world. For those who’ve always wanted to live and work in Japan, this might be the opportunity you’ve been waiting for. #Asia
- Going Further with AI: towards the new year and beyond
The edEVENTS Community invites educators to explore the transformative power of artificial intelligence (A.I.) in schools. In the event “Going Further with A.I. in Education,” educator and A.I. expert Ryan Tannenbaum will share insights and reflections, going beyond basic A.I. use to uncover broader applications in education. Ryan Tannenbaum, owner of For.Education and experienced educator, brings a wealth of knowledge in A.I. technology and its integration in schools. During the event, Ryan will present his findings, followed by an interactive dialogue with attendees. Key areas covered in the session include leveraging A.I. tools for student learning, improving efficiency through professional use, and developing A.I. curriculum. The event is free for members of the edEVENTS Community. Register here on this event link on edEVENTS to secure your spot and receive the video conference meeting details. Join us to tap into the vast potential of A.I. in education. RSVP now and be part of this exciting discussion led by Ryan Tannenbaum.