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MINDKORCS (Mindful Korean Schools)

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This group is run and organised by educators and other related professionals based in Seoul, South Korea. All educators are welcome to join. Please ensure that your contributions are positive and constructive. The group is moderated by Bora Rancic, Mark McShea, Chantal Terblanche, Rachel Arnold and Jason Bender.


We are a newly established group of international educators and other related professionals who came together following The Korean Council of Overseas Schools’ (KORCOS) highly successful International Educators’ Conference held at Seoul Foreign School on November 11 2023.

The ‘Healing and Hope’ conference was underpinned by keynote speaker Homa Tavangar’s (co-founder of the Big Questions Institute) opening address that included the advice that educators and parents - in the interests of student health, well being and success - would do well to prioritize the maxim of ‘soul before school,’ when guiding the lives of their children and students. And this made a big impact on us!

The conference included a significant number of workshops and events that focused on how practices such as mindfulness and other related activities have the power to nurture the self-care and healthy life styles of school communities on a daily basis, with the potential that this might then lead to longer lasting social and individual well being, happiness and success.

We were so inspired by the conference that we wanted to use it as a platform for further mindfulness development across school communities, and so we founded MINDKORCS - a corps of people united by our confidence in the power of mindfulness to make a positive impact on the well being of individuals and school communities.

But who are the ‘we’ you might ask..?

We all live and work in Seoul, South Korea:

Bora Rancic, Chantal Terblanche and Mark McShea, (international school educators), Rachel Arnold (former international school leader and currently a director of clinical services), and Jason Bender (Mindfulness Coach).

Our vision is to establish and maintain a strong, collaborative community of members committed to:

  • promoting the knowledge and practice of mindfulness in school communities;

  • creating a community of practice to support educators in their personal development of mindfulness skills and;

  • producing a wide range of mindfulness teaching resources that educators can draw on.

Please join us on this important journey as we continue to explore how both everyday mindfulness, and more formal mindfulness practice, might support our communities as we navigate the present moment and beyond.

Please refer to the Events tab for more details.

MINDKORCS: Forward and inward ever, always together


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  • January 15, 2024


  • David Burke

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